
Baby 28

Chapter 28


I held on to my daughter’s hand as if my life depended on it, guiding her toward the cab, not wanting to talk or see anyone,

I was currently blind to my own emotions, and that was something that was bad. I knew that about myself, but I knew that I needed to block my emotions in order not to burst in front of otherwise, I knew very well that things would be taking a very wrong turn of events.

my child.

I knew that the car was left at her school, but that was the least of my concerns right now. I wanted

get her to my parents‘ house because I knew that I needed a minute for myself.


“Mommy…” her voice made me jump despite how low it was, and I couldn’t help but frown as I looked at her, growing overwhelmed with the fact that I knew that she was his daughter.

The fact that I came here with her was something that I was already regretting, mostly because I knew that I couldn’t do anything about it now. It was a bit too late to go back, and plus, my dad needed me here. Otherwise, I knew that he might end up refusing to proceed with the medication, and that was something that I refused to accept. I refused to think that he could go around, avoiding it because I wasn’t by his side here.

“Please take us to this address.” I said, handing the driver my GPS. Thankfully, I mostly keep it inside my purse to ensure that I never forget it. It came in handy when I was stuck in such situations, and knowing that my phone was mostly with me, I knew that I could always use it in the car IF I forgot my GPS at home.

“Did I do anything to upset you, mommy?” She asked, and I shook my head. I couldn’t blame her for taking Dean’s offer. As her mother, I was the one who was supposed to reject, and considering the fact that he was her father, I knew that I was forced to suck it up and stay quiet. However, I couldn’t help but feel like my chest was on fire with each breath that I took.


I wrapped my arms around my princess and kissed the crown of her head. She was my blessing, and my curse. A blessing because I knew that I would be forever bound to my little one. She was a

of me, my daughter, and little angel. My curse, because despite my love for her, I knew that she would always be the one person that tied me to the man who broke more than just my heart. It sickened me to admit, but the man has done more damage on me than anyone ever has in my life, and that was something that I couldn’t just forgive him for. If anything, it was something that I knew that I would never forgive him for.

“No, baby girl. Mommy is just tired after the long day.” I said, laying my cheek on her head as I fought back my tears. Dean’s words played in my head, and as if all the sacrifices that I made weren’t enough for our marriage, he still had the audacity to hurt me the way that he did. But then again, it was my fault. It was me who allowed him to cross his limits with me the way that he did, and I knew that had I not done so, then he wouldn’t have.

“Does mommy want to go to sleep?” She asked me, making my chest ache. I wished that I could sleep all of this away. I could swear that it was my dream to just wake up in my room with my

daughter by my side, in our house in Orlando. It would have made things a whole lot easier for me. I wouldn’t have to at least think of the man every now and then, and I wouldn’t be seeing him as often as I was now. If anything, I wouldn’t be seeing him at all.

The man was constantly on the news, it was something that I knew. However, I was a person who has managed to distance myself from it, and by time, I just chose to keep changing whatever channel that he was on. The rumors, and the reporters who tried to compare me and Mariana were endless, but it was often something that I chose to ignore and neglect. And thankfully, when I moved, despite everything being on TV, my life had changed for the better, especially when many saw that I was not associated with whatever bullshit the media tried to make me look like I was into.

“No, baby girl. Mommy is going to drop you to the pana and grandpa before she goes out. I have a few things to tend to and I want you to promise me that you will be good. Nana needs to rest as she too has had a long day, and you know that grandpa needs to heal.” I said, and she nodded. “So, I need you to promise me that you will be good and that you won’t tire them out. I know that you have homework to tend to, so, if you can do it, I would be very happy.”

“I will do my homework with nana. She likes it when I do my homework with her.” Lillian said, and I nodded, watching as the driver pulled over at the house’s front door. I nodded at the man and handed him a fifty dollar bill despite the trip costing thirteen.

“You can keep the change, thank you so much.” I said, smiling at the man who nodded. I walked out of the car with my daughter, holding her hand in mine before the two of us walked to my parents house. I knew that mom wouldn’t be surprised to see us. Though I didn’t call her, just knowing that I was in the same perimeter with Dean at the moment meant that I needed their support, or at least, their help when it came to Lillian when I needed to be alone.

When I was alone with her, I often resolved to the fact that she had a nanny, and though I didn’t leave them alone in the house, I would leave them to play in the playroom or watch a movie while I tried to clear my mind in my room. It was a daily routine that I had for myself to ensure that I was mentally able to actually manage taking care of my daughter without unnecessary breakdowns. It was something that I couldn’t find myself doing right now. © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

I rang

the bell and watched as my mother opened the door for us. She looked at me, studying my expression for a few seconds before she took a step back, allowing my daughter and I inside. I didn’t want to speak to her, especially not after what she did to the company. Though the two of us were quiet about it, and though I didn’t beg for whatever it was thats he expected me to, I couldn’t help but feel angry with her as a person, and that was something that she knew very well.

She knew the damage that she made, and yet, she didn’t bother asking how I coped or managed to deal with it. She was just surprised when I was able to get out of the situation that she wanted to throw me in without sinking. It was something that she didn’t expect. That was something that I

knew for fact..

She shook her head in question, silently asking if I was okay, and I nodded, knowing that there was no point in trying to open up to her. She has made it obvious to me that she wanted nothing to do with me as her daughter, at least, when it came to this topic, and I honestly didn’t want her worrying dad; therefore, there was no point in trying to dig into something that would hurt the two

of them.


“Mommy wants me to stay here and do my homework.” Lillian said, looking at mom who smiled at her. Mom looked at me, frowning in confusion as she tried understanding what was going on, but I had nothing to tell her to explain things.

“I have work to tend to, mom. I won’t be too long,” said, not wanting her to ask any questions as I went to turn to the door. The last thing that I wanted was for dad to see me right now. Regardless of the fact that he mostly didn’t say anything, I knew that he would be able to read me like an open book, and that was something that I didn’t want.

I didn’t want him to see or read my pain through my eyes. It was something that would worry. and I didn’t want that.


Mom nodded at her maid to take Lillian inside before she followed me to the door. She looked me in the eye, shaking her head in question, trying to get me to say anything despite knowing that I wouldn’t. The two of us were well aware that it wouldn’t be happening. We weren’t close for that to happen, but I knew that she was asking as a mother who was concerned about her daughter. I knew that I would be worried about mine if I saw her in the same state that I was in. The only difference would be the fact that I would be in my daughter’s life, I would support her through whatever it was her mother did. But that wasn’t the case with my life with my mother or our relationship; therefore, I wasn’t stupid as to think that she would bother truly caring about what I was feeling or how I felt.

“What is going on, Iris?” She asked, shaking her head in question. “You obviously didn’t come with

your car…

“Nothing is wrong, mother.” I said, stopping her. “I will be back to pick my daughter up in a few hours. You don’t need to worry about us staying over.”


“Please, I need to head out before I am late.” I said, stopping her again. “Goodbye.”

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