The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 33
That night I had a dream, one that I have had almost every night since getting my wolf. I dreamt of my father, only he wasn’t the same man. He looked completely different but our connection felt stronger. I dreamt of a song being sung, a lullaby so sweet, and a beautiful golden rose mobile hanging from up above. Was that my mother’s voice? Only this dream ended horribly, this dream turned into a nightmare.
That man with the scar, he had found me once again.
“Little wolf, come to me.” His low deep voice whispered into my ear. I suddenly jolted awake, Rowan was by my side, caressing my face as he spoke.
“Mila, it’s okay, it was only a’re okay baby.” He brushed my hair to the side as I sighed with relief. My arms wrapped around him as I nuzzled into his chest.
“I’m right here..everything’s okay.” He whispered into my hair, his soft comforting movements lulling me back to sleep.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only
The next time I awoke, it was to the sound of the shower running. My eyes fluttered open as I looked over in the bed. Rowan must have already been up and getting ready for the day. I stretched as a soft g***n left me, grabbing the pillow next to me I snuggled into it quickly, letting out a content sigh. Just then I heard the shower stop and I turned my head towards the bathroom only to see Rowan jumping on the bed, pouncing on top of me.
“Rowan! You’re all wet!” I cried out, as he shook his wet hair over me like a dog.
“Good morning beautiful.” He said with a smirk, kissing the tip of my nose.
“Breakfast is right there, we only have time to eat and then we have to go.” He said sliding off of me and I pouted.
“That’s it?” I said sadly, looking at him as he smirked.
“Well, let’s just say I am sacrificing for the greater good. If we hurry we can give our wolves some time alone, I don’t know about Calypso but Bain is ready to bite my head off.” He said patting the cushion next to him on the couch as he wrapped the towel around his waist tighter.
Calypso woke up instantly, her tail waging and excitement filling her.
‘Finally..about time!’
She howled and I couldn’t help but smile. I quickly got off the bed and ran to the closet grabbing my black silk robe.
Rowan frowned when I came out, looking at my now covered body.
“I didn’t say you had to get dressed.” He said grumpily and I laughed.
“I thought I should be safe.” I narrowed my eyes at him and he nodded his head.
“Good call, but you are just as sexy wearing that as much as you are naked. So really you are never safe.” He teased, pulling me onto his lap as I let out a giggle. He pressed a firm k**s to my lips, his hands squeezing my butt as he growled.
“Now eat so we can go.” He commanded.
“Yes, Alpha.” I said teasingly and his eyes flashed black.
“I am your Alpha, now don’t forget it my pretty little mate.” Bain growled, reaching out and biting my l*p. His k**s becoming more passionate and wild as he massaged my butt eagerly.
Just then his eyes cleared and he smirked at me.
“You know you are just asking for Bain now whenever you call me Alpha at this point..” he said chastising me.
“Sorry.” I smiled sheepishly and Rowan lifted his hand, wiping my l*p as he frowned.
“Why does he always have to bite you so much.” He added while reaching out and taking my bottom l*p into his mouth, sucking me clean.
“Now eat.” He quickly patted my butt and turned me to face the tray in front of us.
We ate our huge breakfast quickly and I felt on edge the whole time. Calypso was going absolutely insane as we began walking toward the elevator. Rowan’s arm was snaked around my waist and we both walked out in our robes, considering we would be naked in a few minutes anyway.
He brought down a small duffle bag with extra clothes for us that he was going to leave with a guard. I guess they had a type of harness they could fasten to a wolf and it would hold our clothes and any weapons or first aid they might need. I thought that was a pretty cool idea.
After linking Tristan quickly to find out where to meet, Rowan took my hand, leading me towards the woods. Once we got to a small clearing he reached over, untying my robe slowly. His eyes were eager and full of excitement as I heard Calypso howling wildly. After we both were naked, Rowan took me in his arms, kissing me one last time before we shifted.
“I love you so much my Mila.” He said, brushing my hair behind my ears.
“I love you too Rowan.” I reached up on my toes, closing the distance as I kissed him passionately.
‘My turn.’
Calypso growled and I smiled and nodded softly.
“Let’s let our wolves have their fun now.” I said, stepping back as I crouched down.
This was only my third time shifting but it felt natural already. That burning pain took over for a brief second as Calypso emerged. Rowan looked down, smiling happily as he looked at Calypso with wonder.
“Just as magnificent as I remembered.” He said, petting her head as he slowly stepped back.
In the blink of an eye, Bain was now towering above us. His silver fur shimmered beautifully as he ran towards his mate. She sauntered around him, her movements graceful and elegant as he howled with delight.
‘I have never seen Bain like this in my life.’
Rowan linked, humor lacing his voice.
‘He is so amazing. You are so amazing..’
I said softly, feeling overwhelmed as our wolves began running together.
‘After this, we will be even closer Mila. Then our mating bond will be complete. Until the Luna ceremony and adding you to the pack.’
His words made my heart swell as we both slipped into the back of our minds. Letting our wolves have some privacy as they completed their bond. After some time, Rowan linked me once more. My senses for him becoming even stronger than before as he spoke.
‘Are you ready to go get your dad? Calypso should be able to pick up the scent pretty easily as we go.’
He linked as Bain bounded through the woods, leading us toward the north side of Black Stone.
‘Yes, I love you, I will let you know when we find it.’
My heart was racing, Calypso was on cloud nine now and I felt nervous to see my father for some reason.
As we continued to run through the woods I heard a howl coming from the west side.
‘It’s Blake’s wolf, Eris.’
Calypso filled me in, running through the clearing with Bain right by her side. Suddenly we came up on a black wolf, his eyes blue like Blakes and his size not as big as Bain..but still way larger than us. Eris looked at Calypso, his tail wagging as he watched her and pranced around her. She sat prettily as Bain quickly sat beside her, guarding her.
Then a deep red wolf came through the trees, his eyes hazel as I knew right away it must have been Tristan. Four other wolves followed behind him, all different shades of brown and black.
‘Tristan’s wolf is named Hadeon.’
Calypso filled me in and I watched as Calypso stood. Walking towards the others as they all watched her intently. Every single wolf was mesmerized by her as she sniffed the wolves. She then sauntered back over to Bain and quickly nuzzled into him. A low grumble of approval left his throat.
‘Okay baby, Hadeon is going to lead us to the river now. It will be a bit of a hike.’
His voice sounded almost full of annoyance.
‘Is everything okay?’
I asked quickly, not sure what was wrong.
‘Yes…everyone is just going crazy over Calypso. It’s pissing me off.’
He said through gritted teeth.
I laughed softly and Calypso licked Bain’s face as he nuzzled into her and then we were off once more. Hadeon led us towards the river as Calypso breathed the fresh air. Excitement filled her as we bounded towards our old home. These woods becoming more familiar with their scent as we tracked further. Eris weaved through the trees, playing with Calypso as Bain followed close by. A low growl left him now and then. A warning to Blake as he got too close. I realized I began to feel uneasy the further we got away from Black something just didn’t feel right. It took us an hour and a half to find the river, the sight of it causing a shiver to run through me.
‘It’s okay, we won’t have to cross it.’
Calypso whispered, feeling my hesitation as we began sniffing the area.
‘I feel weird something isn’t right.’
I whispered to her, seeing the river and running against it. I don’t know what it was but that night changed everything..maybe I was afraid if I go back this all would have just been a dream.
‘I feel it too, I don’t know if we are being watched or if it’s just memories from that night, but something feels off.’
She ran next to Bain, who glanced over at us every few minutes, watching our every move. Eris came up next to us, looking past the river and suddenly I smelled it. That cedar and pine father. Calypso stopped for a moment, sniffing the ground as something else was coming wasn’t just him.
‘Do you smell it?’
She asked me, and it was fresh, not even a few hours old. Shit..the rogue wolf’s scent.
‘What is it Mila?’
Rowan asked me urgently, feeling our distress.
‘The rogue, this scent, it was the one from that night. I think my dad is in danger.’
Worry filled me as Calypso quickly took off, bounding up the river, following my dad and this rogue’s scent. Please let him be okay goddess, please..
‘Mila wait, you need to calm down, you are going too far ahead.’
Rowan growled, but I couldn’t stop, the need to help my dad rising as we continued to weave through the trees. Yes..we were here this is it. I saw familiar things and inhaled the scents I once knew so well. All of these areas I had walked through before, this was my old home. These were my woods, the place I grew up, these trees my friends and family. The wind caressed Calypso’s fur gently as if welcoming us home as if it too had missed us.
‘Here, it’s up here.’
I gasped, running blindly forward.
‘Mila stop!’
Rowan roared in the link and before I knew it, I was tackled down to the ground. A sharp yelp leaving me and my stomach dropped.